Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My First Try

I thought that I would give this a try because I enjoy looking and reading my out of state relatives, friends and family's blogs.

The main picture is of the "girls". Sophia was trying to figure out how to make her hair so she could be a troll for Halloween. Taragon had a great idea and fixed everyone's (even the dog Lady) hair up into a cone. We had fun with it and when Dan and Trent go home they thought we were weird, we acted like it was an everyday occurance. Which it is around here with one thing or another, if it's not hair, it's make-up or dress-up, always something.

Let me know what you want to see or know about and I will post it.
love and peace to all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT and I ALWAYS enjoy reading about my DEAREST friends and their WONDERFUL FAMILY times!! It keeps me somewhat connected!! I love you and miss you. Please keep me n the loop with ALL your Peressini adventures! Love and Peace to you and yours! tater